Through District NMI funds, we are pleased to offer three grants to support people and projects on WAPAC in alignment with our five focus areas.

Together Across Generations (TAG) Grant

This is a grant for young adults (ages 18-28) to join a Nazarene Missions Teams trip. Applicants must have been members of a WAPAC church for at least 1 year prior to applying.

Groups Going Glocally (G3) Missions Grant

This grant helps provide encouragement and financial support for a youth ministry group to directly participate in local, national, or global missions and compassionate projects. Maximum grant amount is not to exceed 25% of the overall mission project experience or at the discretion of the WAPAC NMI Council. Monies can be used for transportation, supplies, food: anything that would lower the overall cost of the mission experience encouraging more youth to participate.

Intentional Connecting Grant

This is a grant to help local WAPAC Nazarene Churches reach into their neighborhoods and communities. The funds are meant to start, equip, expand, or enhance local ministries as they engage their neighborhoods and communities in Western Washington.