Philippines 2026 | WAPAC Nazarene Missions Team Trip

Support Our District Project Through Your Church Budget in 2025-2026

WAPAC is sending a Nazarene Missions Team to the Philippines in 2026! We are excited to be working on the campus of Philippine Nazarene College in La Trinidad, Benguet.

We invite your church to financially support the project we have been asked to work on at Philippines Nazarene College. We will renovate and update their Hospitality Center, which receives guests and short-term mission participants. Our Nazarene Missions Team work includes (but is not limited to) adding bathrooms, painting, plumbing, putting up supporting walls inside and outside, and gardening.

The project cost is anticipated to be approximately $20,000.

While participants in the renovation project are paying for their own trip expenses, the project itself is a WAPAC project and needs financial support. Will you please consider adding funds in your church’s 2025-2026 budget to support this project?

To Send Project Funds

When giving to this project, send funds directly to the District Office for “2026 Philippines Missions Trip.” Then, have your pastor or treasurer go to Funding the Mission. After logging in, navigate to the “Point to Point Giving” (under “Track Giving”). Under category, select “District Project.” Then, type “Washington” into the search field and select “W&W-Washington_Pacific_District.” Enter the amount of funds you’ve submitted to the District Office in order to get 10% Missions Giving credit. Note: DO NOT use the “Work and Witness” category; be sure to use the “District Project” category!

Trip Participation

We have had an incredible response for our 2026 Nazarene Missions Team trip to the Philippines and all spots are currently filled. However, we are taking names for our standby list. If you wish to have your name added to the standby list, please contact Pastor Donabel Martin.

Questions about the Philippines 2026 Trip or Project?

Please reach out to Pastor Donabel Martin, our WAPAC Nazarene Missions Team Coordinator.

Nazarene Missions Teams

Generations Community Church (Marysville) on an NMT trip to Africa Nazarene University
The Bonney Lake Church completed a NMT project in Forks

Nazarene Missions Teams

You know it as “Work & Witness.” But to mark 50 years of missions work and better showcase the wider involvement of Nazarenes in projects around the world, this vital ministry is now known as “Nazarene Missions Teams!”

Nazarene Missions Teams captures all types of projects in which teams can participate, such as Work & Witness, emergency response, evangelism, medical missions, sports, education, compassion, and technology projects. Nazarene Missions Teams is a beautiful way to continue the legacy of the last 50 years and move into a space where more people can use their gifts and talents to serve people and places, joining the Lord and others in fulfilling his mission.

“One of the reasons we changed our name from Work & Witness to Nazarene Missions Teams is that that name implied for many that the team that went were the ones doing the work and they were also the ones doing the witnessing. In reality, the teams going are joining the work that is currently being done; they are joining in the evangelistic efforts already being carried out locally,” says Stephen Sickel, coordinator for partnerships, teams, and projects for Nazarene Global Missions.

From the beginning, it was generally true that the U.S. would send teams to the other regions. However, in the last few years, many other countries have been sending more and more teams all around the world to join God in missions there. In the past year, churches have sent 23 teams from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Germany, South Korea, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Singapore, and Thailand to serve with other congregations seeking to establish stronger work or meet local needs in distant places.

“The name change also was needed due to stricter traveling restrictions,” Sickel explains. “If you say that you are going to do work, that changes the type of visa that is required. If you say that you will be witnessing, in some countries that is not allowed.”

In addition to the new name, the Nazarene Missions Teams registration process has had significant upgrades. Take some time to check out the Nazarene Missions Teams website at the link below. There you can find projects, resources for leading a team, trip insurance information, upcoming events, videos, and Nazarene Missions Teams logos for your church to use to customize your missions information.

Your Church’s NMT Plans

Is your church planning a Nazarene Missions Team trip or are you interested in being part of one? Contact WAPAC NMT Coordinator Donabel Martin.