Area of Emphasis: World Evangelism Fund

The World Evangelism Fund (WEF) fuels the Church of the Nazarene’s mission by combining gifts from each person and church to fund ministries everywhere. Every church is asked to give a portion of their yearly tithes/offerings for the purpose of making Christlike disciples in the nations.

Tithing on Our Tithe

Giving our ‘tithe’ means giving the first 10% of our income. When we give 10%, we aren’t just giving to God, we are acknowledging that everything we have is God’s to begin with: it’s from Him. Churches also demonstrate this by “tithing” on their tithe. In the Church of the Nazarene, we use this to support world evangelism.

This model of tithing is embraced by the local church in supporting missions, including a church WEF allotment and Ten Percent Giving.

My Church’s WEF Allotment

All Nazarene churches are expected to contribute 5.5% of total tithes received to the World Evangelism Fund, which is more than halfway to that 10% for world missions goal.

Example: A church receives $100,000 in tithes each year. The church's WEF allotment is $5,500.

When your church gives, the money goes to the General Treasurer’s Office where the funds are distributed to various regions, missionaries, and ministries around the globe. The World Evangelism Fund not only provides ministries on the ground with the monies they need, but the money is used to ensure that legal, federal, and support needs are met so that ministries are as safe as possible and can be sustained for years to come.

The easiest way for your church to pay its WEF allotment in full is to contribute monthly or quarterly based on the tithes and offerings your own church brings in.

Ten Percent Approved Specials

If we are following the model of tithing, each church would give 10% of its received tithes as a world missions goal. WEF giving is 5.5% of that goal. Churches can give to other world mission approved specials throughout the year to reach that 10%.

Ten Percent giving is an endorsement of particular ministries and projects in our global church. These ministries and projects called Approved Nazarene Mission Projects provide an opportunity for churches and individuals to support specific ministries while providing a form of recognition for their ministry support. Recognition is recorded when the funds are reconciled in Global Treasury Services.

For example, all missionaries, whether sent on a global or sponsored deployment, benefit from World Evangelism giving. However, they are also responsible for raising a portion of their own support, which we call deputation. When you give to a missionary’s deputation fund, they use it for things like travel expenses, purchasing a vehicle, ministry expenses, and educational needs for their children, among other specifically defined uses. This deputation given is not a part of a church’s WEF giving, but does count as an approved special.

Other approved specials include our WAPAC Children’s Project, Alabaster offerings, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, and Jesus Film Harvest Partners, registered Nazarene Missions Team projects, registered Compassionate Ministry Centers, and World Mission Broadcast, among others. >>Search for projects to determine if they are approved specials

Giving toward approved specials reduces a church’s tithe income.

For example: 
If a church has offerings totaling $100,000 in a year, its WEF allotment is 5.5% ($5,500 of that $100,000).

If that church gives to $1,000 for missionary deputation, $750 for Alabaster, and $703 for the WAPAC Children’s Project, the total of approved specials is $2,453. These reduce the church’s “income” through tithes to $97,547. 

So the WEF allotment is 5.5% of that new “income” amount (or $5,365.09).

If you are unsure about the status of a ministry, please call 800-544-8413 to find out more.

Mission Priority One

Nazarene Missions International has five areas of impact: Prayer, World Evangelism Fund, Care and Connection, Alabaster, and Engaging Children and Youth. (You can learn more about these focus areas on our WAPAC NMI page.) Through these five areas of impact, the local church can have maximum impact on missions in the Church of the Nazarene.

When a church engages with all five areas of impact, it is considered a Mission One Priority church. Your church’s participation should be reported in your annual report. Focusing on these five areas of impact is the first step your church can take toward deeper involvement in missions. Every church is encouraged to participate in these five areas, and supplement them with your own congregation’s additional areas of interest for missions. By making missions a priority, we demonstrate God’s passion for all people.

Church of Excellence

If your church gives over 5.7% of its tithe (or an additional $1500, whichever is less) to the World Evangelism Fund, your church is designated a Church of Excellence. WEF giving beyond 5.5% is invested in new world areas and new works in the USA and Canada.

Special Offerings

The Easter Offering and Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund have been a part of the Church of the Nazarene’s history for nearly 100 years. The offerings provide the financial support the global church needs to fulfill its mission worldwide. Encourage your church to take part in these annual offerings. >>Learn more

Faith Promise

The Church of the Nazarene acknowledges that Faith Promise giving is a biblical method used by many local churches for raising financial support for world evangelism. The main priority is reaching the world for Christ through the payment of a church’s allotment for the World Evangelism Fund.

A Faith Promise is a FAITH commitment between a person and God to give above and beyond their tithe to the local church to support missions. Through Faith Promise, people are promising to give to God’s mission around the world whatever he lays on their heart to give.

Other Giving Opportunities

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM)

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) works to support local churches around the world in their efforts to actively live compassion as a lifestyle.

Following the example of Jesus, NCM partners with local congregations around the world to clothe, shelter, feed, heal, educate, and live in solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence, poverty, hunger, and disease. NCM exists in and through the Church of the Nazarene to proclaim the gospel to all people in word and deed.

NCM Works Alongside NMI. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is not the same as Nazarene Missions International. However, your church is encouraged to support NCM. Funds given for NCM projects are approved specials that count toward a church’s 10% giving goal.

Child Sponsorship

The child sponsorship program is based on a Holistic Child Development model that seeks to simultaneously address key aspects of a child’s life—spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and social—through learning opportunities and developmental interventions. Through this model, children are encouraged to grow into the people God created them to be.

You can change the world one child at a time. Your church can sponsor a child, or families within your church can sponsor children.

World Mission Broadcast

June is designated as the World Mission Broadcast Global Offering month. During this month, the Church of the Nazarene wants to emphasize the ways in which the denomination is sharing the gospel through broadcast and to offer a chance for local churches to take part.

Now more than ever, we hold on to the connections all around us, strengthening our sense of community. Thanks to today’s technology, we are able to connect with others worldwide and broadcast for the better. Nazarene radio, television, and Internet programs reach millions of people the world over with the gospel every day because of the generous support of Nazarene churches. Now is time to refocus and share the message of hope in Jesus.

Jesus Film Harvest Partners (JFHP)

JFHP is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS film and other tools. JFHP equips and supports JESUS Film Teams of local people to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

Nearly 70% of the world’s population lives in religiously restrictive countries. JFHP has teams showing the Jesus Film in 290 languages in 139 countries. Most of these films are shown outdoors in villages, introducing people to Jesus Christ and his transforming love.

Facts: Giving to World Evangelism Fund

  • We inform our churches of the world’s need and how the Church of the Nazarene is responding through WEF. We encourage every church to faithfully participate in giving to WEF.
  • 50 educational institutions, including seven graduate seminaries/theological colleges, 14 liberal arts colleges/universities (13 with graduate programs), 18 undergraduate seminaries/theological colleges, eight certificate and diploma Bible colleges, two nurses training colleges, one teacher training college, and 1,059 education centers (approved extension centers) had a 2023 combined enrollment of 43,339 students globally.
  • Persons in need were treated at community-based clinics and health care centers all over the world with concentrated efforts in India, Papua New Guinea, and Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland).
  • JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP), raising $3.7 million, reports that WEF helped provide infrastructure for 1,109 JFHP teams to share God’s love through the story of Jesus. In 2023, teams reported over 2.3 million evangelistic contacts. Of these contacts, 699,029 indicated decisions for Christ with 404,511 new believers receiving initial discipleship follow-up. Teams started 11,675 Preaching Points in 2023.
  • NMI and others partnered with local churches to help raise US $37.2 million through the World Evangelism Fund during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
  • Churches globally gave US $24.6 million for Nazarene Approved Missions Projects.
  • In 2023, 92 districts gave 5.5 percent or above of their income to the World Evangelism Fund (56 of which were from regions other than the USA/Canada Region). WEF giving beyond 5.5 percent helps open new work, sustains works opened in recent years, and helps send new missionaries that God calls.
  • Nazarenes gave US $210,290 to World Mission Broadcast (WMB) , providing radio, television, and Internet programs to share the gospel globally.
  • NMI partnered with NCM to give more than U.S. $5 million for disaster response and compassion projects around the world and to support 10,559 children through Child Development Centers and Pastor’s Kids programs.