Deputation (Missionary Speakers)
We are continually connecting with missionaries and working on their deputation visits to WAPAC. This is a great opportunity to connect with God’s work beyond our community.
What Is Deputation?
The Church of the Nazarene funds its mission’s enterprise, and supports missionary families, through the World Evangelism Fund (WEF), which is given by local churches around the world throughout the year.
Missionaries supplement the WEF by traveling to their home country every few years (deputation) to raise money for specific ministry needs and projects, as well as to share with churches what God is doing around the world and inspire greater involvement with God through missions.
The money they raise through deputation offerings is used for a variety of personal needs including medical expenses, vehicles and equipment for field ministry, educational benefits for the missionaries and their children, home furnishing, special mission projects, and more.n describes the key features briefly.
Missionaries Coming to WAPAC
May 4 – May 11, 2025: Enoch & Renny Tee, serving as global missionaries in a creative access area
May 18 and June 15, 2025: Joshua and Kendall Stewardson, serving as sponsored missionaries in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea
July 20-30, 2025: Collin & Shireen Elliott, serving as global missionaries on the Africa regional (final home assignment; retiring after home assignment completed
August 3-10, 2025: Musa & Prudence Kunene, global missionaries in Kenya serving at Africa Nazarene University
September 7-21, 2025: Arnel & Christine Jotiz, serving as global missionaries on the Southeast Asia field in Cambodia (and our 2025 Links missionaries!)
October 5-12, 2025: Tim Eby, global missionary serving in South Africa as the Africa Region Jesus Film Coordinator
January 11-21, 2026: Ben & Hannah Ponder, global missionaries serving in Serbia.
March 15-25, 2026: Monte and Bethany Cyr, global missionaries in Guatemala and the Discipleship Ministries Regional Coordinator on the Mesoamerica Region (final home assignment; retiring after serving for 26 years in Africa, the Caribbean and the Mesoamerica Region).
June 14-21, 2026: Larry & Lynne Bollinger, global missionaries serving in Philippines at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological
Request a Missionary
View the list of missionaries and dates that they are available (when you click this link, a PDF will automatically be downloaded, so check your downloads folder!). This list is regularly updated so check back occasionally!
After determining which missionary and open date you’d prefer to host them at your church, please contact Pastor Fred Humber.
Share contact information with Fred for two people at your church (including “after hours” contacts so that missionaries on the road can reach you).
Fred will confirm the date or let you know if you need to select a new date.
Focus on Connecting!
Remember that it is not essential to host missionaries on a Sunday or to be a large church to make their visit worthwhile! Many churches have successfully held lunchtime events, evening neighborhood barbecues and joint events with nearby churches.
Missionaries appreciate opportunities to connect with small groups of interested people who want to learn more about what is happening through their field assignment. Missionaries are not concerned about the amount of the Deputation offering that might be given or the number of people in attendance—they are more interested in making personal people connections and sharing their story. What matters most is doing something instead of doing nothing.

Guidance for Hosting a Missionary
We may take for granted a missionary coming to our church and speaking. It takes dedicated work and coordination. To ensure our missionaries have the best deputation experience on our District, here are some things each church can do.
1. Provide at least 2 contact names when signing up to have a missionary come to your church (perhaps NMI President and Pastor), along with email and cell phone numbers (numbers that will be answered outside of “church office hours”).
2. Reach out to the missionary speaker when they are confirmed with your church. Ensure you both have the information you need from each other. Do they have directions to your church, what time will the event start, when do they need to coordinate with someone on technology needs, who will greet them? Do you have a way to contact them as they travel? Where are they coming from and when will they arrive? Do they have a flyer or other promotional materials that you can share to generate enthusiastic interest from your congregation?
3. Find out what kind of experience the missionary will lead (presentation, sermon, music, video) and determine the best facility space for that presentation. Ensure that you have the needed equipment (e.g., laptop, projector, screen, piano).
4. Your church is responsible for accommodations for the missionary. Sometimes, our District has lodging available, but other times it is unavailable. You may need to provide housing the night before or night following the missionary speaking to your group. This can be in family’s home, if available. Be sure to check out missionary needs regarding pets! Also plan to provide necessary meals. Check with your missionary for food restrictions for all family members so they can be accommodated. Also be mindful that extended deputation visits can be hard on people trying to be healthy in their eating habits. Find healthy ways to support your missionaries.
5. Be a friendly face! Remember that your missionaries are traveling extensively. Just as with anyone entering your church, how they are received and overall first impressions will impact their experience. Make it a blessing!
6. Plan to collect an offering. Please note: The offering should be sent to the Global Ministry Center in care of the missionary’s deputation account. Funds should be clearly marked with the missionary’s full first and last name, and the words “deputation account.” Please do not give the funds directly to the missionaries. Also, send an email or text to the missionary letting them know how much you are sending to their deputation account. This helps them plan as well as allows them to follow up and make sure the funds are processed correctly. These tips will help ensure the deputation experience is smooth for both your church and the missionary!