Faith Promise
The Church of the Nazarene acknowledges that Faith Promise giving is a biblical method used by many local churches for raising financial support for world evangelism. The main priority is reaching the world for Christ through the payment of a church’s allotment for the World Evangelism Fund.
This is the second A Faith Promise is a FAITH commitment between a person and God to give above and beyond their tithe to the local church to support missions. Through Faith Promise, people are promising to give to God’s mission around the world whatever he lays on their heart to give.description.
NOTE: If Faith Promise funds are to be used for other missions projects (e.g., local projects, Alabaster, Nazarene Missions Team, Jesus Film, etc.) in addition to WEF, it must be clearly stated for your congregation how much will go to WEF and where the other funds go. Transparency is important!

Faith Promise is NOT to be Confused with:
Tithe: A Faith Promise offering is a love gift to God, given beyond one’s tithe.
A Substitute for Missions Offerings: In addition to Faith Promise, opportunities should be given for people to give to missions. Such offerings allow those not participating in Faith Promise to give to missions. For those who are giving to Faith Promise, it provides additional opportunity to give as the Holy Spirit leads. Additional missions offerings include (but are not limited to) Alabaster, Jesus Film Harvest Partners, World Mission Broadcast, Nazarene Compassionate Missions, deputation and so forth.

Planning a Faith Promise Event
To help people think through their own Faith Promise beyond their regular tithes and offerings, it is strongly encouraged that you hold an event (generally right before the start of your church’s fiscal year).
Bring in an inspirational missions speaker (it doesn’t have to be for the Sunday morning service!). Share the need to support Nazarene world missions efforts, and identify that supporting missions is an offering of thanks to God and a commitment to participate in his kingdom work in the world. Encourage people to complete Faith Promise response/pledge cards (they keep the portion with their name!).
As you plan with your church’s NMI Council, the pastor(s) and/or the Church Board:
Set the date and plan a Faith Promise emphasis.
Discuss the goal for funds to be raised for mission for the coming year, starting with the WEF (5.5%), special offerings, local NMI Council expenses, and missionary speakers—both care and offerings.
Discuss your specific responsibilities for the Faith Promise emphasis.
Who will be the speaker? Who will book the speaker?
Length of Faith Promise emphasis: Saturday? Sunday morning only? Sunday morning & evening? Saturday night & Sunday morning?
Plan for special gatherings? Friday evening rally, Saturday men’s breakfast, women’s lunch, teen pizza party Saturday night?
Think through other fun ideas to generate attention for Faith Promise and additional funding. For example: Faith Promise auction and/or silent auction and dinner on a Saturday night or a cinnamon roll fundraiser on a Sunday morning (can you just imagine the fragrant smell that invites people to participate?!).
Dr. Howard Culbertson, retired pastor, missionary and former missionary-in-residence at Southern Nazarene University, has compiled a number of Faith Promise event ideas. >>Check them out for inspiration

Helpful Faith Promise Graphics
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