WAPAC Links Missionaries for 2025
These are our assigned district Links missionaries from January 1 – December 31, 2025.
Links is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarene districts around the world. Participating missionaries are assigned to each Nazarene district to help foster a personal connection between missionaries and the local church. Your prayers, letters, gifts, and connection to our Links missionaries will make a huge difference in encouraging them and the people they are reaching in the mission field!
Make sure connections go both ways. In addition to learning as much as possible about the missionaries and the fields they serve on, introduce them to your church. Share about your church, share prayer requests, and help the missionary feel connected to your local mission. Schedule video chats on occasion. Invite them to participate by video in your church’s events.
Please note that monetary gifts for Links missionaries are processed through their deputation accounts. Such gifts should be provided to Global Treasury Services, Church of the Nazarene, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220 (or submitted at https://www.nazarene.org/funding-the-mission). Funds should be clearly marked with the missionary’s full first and last name and “deputation account.”
Reetu & Jeremy Height
Currently serving in Croatia on the Central Europe Field (Eurasia)
The Height family arrived in Croatia in July 2024 and it has been a (good) whirlwind of activity as they have jumped into life as a family and stepped into their ministry roles as Nazarene missionaries in Croatia and in Central Europe. They share it has also been humbling to see how God is at work in Croatia and how the faithfulness of Nazarenes around the world is leading to changed lives and new followers of Jesus in Croatia.
As Field Finance Coordinator, Reetu serves and resources the local churches and districts across the dozen countries on the Central Europe Field. Jeremy serves as the Nazarene Country Leader for Croatia and serves with local church and compassionate ministries. Prior to joining the Central Europe Field, Jeremy and Reetu have served the Church of the Nazarene in Nashville (USA), Accra (Ghana), Dakar (Senegal), and Indianapolis (USA) in various roles as missionaries, NCM leaders, and university faculty and staff. As an ordained elder, Jeremy has also served as a pastor in a variety of local churches. The Heights are passionate about cross-cultural engagement, urban ministry, poverty alleviation, and sharing the story of God’s work through the global Church.
Family Details
The Heights have three young children, which keep them busy! As a family, the Heights enjoy playing board games, sharing meals with friends around their dinner table, and traveling together. They also enjoy many hobbies: Reetu: Reading, traveling, cooking, and trying new foods Jeremy: Reading (mainly theology and history books), running, writing, and board games Zane: Mario, Legos, reading books, and STEM projects Ruby: Reading, art, crafts, and Bluey Kavya: Bluey, arts and crafts, baby dolls, and cooking
Birthdays and Anniversary
Reetu: November 21
Jeremy: April 30
Zane: April 15
Ruby: July 10
Kavya: September 14
Wedding Anniversary: July 27
Ministry Updates
They post ministry updates and prayer requests through their ministry newsletter platform (called Epistle). They also share a monthly update video with prayer requests where Jeremy and the children share 8 prayer requests for the month. (This static link updates monthly and includes prayer requests).
Preferred Contact Information
Social Media: Jeremy Sullivan Height (personal updates):

Arnel & Christine Jotiz
Currently serving in Asia Pacific.
The Jotiz’s currently reside in Siem Reap, Cambodia, helping the district and starting pioneering work in Siem Reap City. In addition, they have other responsibilities in the Southeast Asia (SEA) field, including helping districts in the area of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
Arnel and Christine were missionaries in Cambodia from 2008 to 2016. As missionaries they were engaged in evangelism and discipleship through teaching English to youth and children, and helped established ministry in the drug rehabilitation center in Siem Reap Province, helping drug dependents find freedom from drug addiction in Jesus’ name. Arnel and Christine also helped start the First Church of the Nazarene in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, along with other Nazarene missionaries.
After seven years away, Arnel and Christine returned to Cambodia, helping with leadership and the growing district in the areas of development and resource identification.
Family Details
Arnel and Christine have two grown children, Melody and JJ (John Jabez). The family also has two dogs, Juno and Wander, and two cats, Cloud and Sabrina.
Arnel enjoys basketball, cycling, and reading. Christine’s hobbies include home décor, gardening, and DIY crafting.
Birthdays and Anniversary:
Arnel – January 20
Christine – May 16
Melody – February 13
JJ – May 1
Wedding Anniversary: May 16
Preferred Contact Information
Social Media:
Arnel Mina Jotiz
Christine Dequito Jotiz

What to Do with Links Missionaries
Consider budgeting financial gifts for our Links missionaries. Please note that monetary gifts for Links missionaries are processed through their deputation accounts. Such gifts should be provided to Global Treasury Services, Church of the Nazarene, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220 (or submitted at Funding The Mission). Funds should be clearly marked with the missionary’s full first and last name and “deputation account.”
Share about them with your church (bulletin, bulletin boards, social media, email), including who they are and what they’re doing.
Connect with our Links missionaries on social media (or, if you’re not on social media, have someone else be that point person). You also can connect by email. Introduce your church, ask about their families, and share similar hobbies. Schedule video chats on occasion. Invite them to participate by video in your church’s events.
Pray for your missionaries! We will post prayer updates on our Facebook page as we receive them.