Your Role as Local NMI President

While this entire WAPAC NMI site is for you, this helps you understand what your role is. As you have questions, need additional resources, or just want to connect, please reach out to the District NMI President.

Member of Local Church Board

As the NMI President in your local church, you are a member of your local church board who actively participates in the efforts of your local church to ensure the mission of God to “Go and make disciples of all nations”  is lived out.

Your role is to direct and facilitate the work of NMI in your church in cooperation with the pastor, church board and local NMI council to ensure that every person in your church has a deep passion to share Jesus with others in our communities and around the world.

Read more about your role in the NMI Constitution at (pages 342-364 of the Manual, and with specific responsibilities on page 359).

Support NMI’s 5 Areas of Emphasis

You, along with the NMI Council in your church, are focused on supporting our NMI five areas of emphasis (Prayer, Alabaster, World Evangelism Fund, Engaging Children & Youth, Care & Connection). These are areas in which every church can participate, regardless of size, location or language.

Attend the District Assembly Missions Gathering

At District Assembly each year, we will have a break-out session for NMI. Outgoing and incoming local NMI presidents, along with any pastors from your church, are invited to attend. This is an important meeting for learning about current missions work and how your church can participate. We also provide missions resources.

Facilitate a Call to Missions

As you learn of people (of any age!) who are feeling a call to missions or some prompting on their heart related to missions, you can help encourage them and provide them with resources. View the assortment of resources you can provide to people below (available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean and French).

Resources include videos that share stories of those who have been called to missions, guides to pray through such a call, information to help people take the first steps and consider potential missionary opportunities, and much more.

Maybe you haven’t heard from anyone about a call to missions. However, you can create a spark through regularly providing opportunities for people to explore on their own if they’re feeling such a call.Check out opportunities to respond to such a calling.

Complete NMI Reports for Your Church

Please complete the Local NMI President Report on the WAPAC website for your church in alignment with the reporting deadline set by the District each year. In 2025, the deadline is March 15.

Your Pastor may have to enter the information for you on the District website, but view the information you will need at the link below.

FAQ: Who is a “member” and who is an “associate member”?

Any person who is a member of your Nazarene church is a member of NMI.

Any person who is not a member of the Church of the Nazarene, but supports the NMI purpose will be an associate member of NMI. This is anyone who prays, gives, hears a missionary speaker, or is involved in missions or NMI, but is not a member of your church.

WAPAC NMI Handbook

To help you navigate all that NMI entails, including things that are unique to WAPAC, we have created a WAPAC NMI Handbook. It is a resource for anyone doing this work, regardless of your title or how long you’ve been involved!

Answers to FAQs

Get answers to a variety of questions you may have, from how to lead a local NMI Council meeting to how to work better with your pastor.

Connect with Other Local NMI Presidents

Our WAPAC NMI Facebook Group is a great place to exchange ideas and access resources (in addition to the resources provided on this site).

Cindy Whiteman, who is the new NMI President at Aurora Community Church and is a member of the WAPAC NMI Council, is pictured here with a table she set out at her church.

She notes: “It is my goal…inch by inch…to fan the flame of compassion, interest, and giving. I have had some really great conversations with people who don’t know about our awesome global work! I think next month I will promote Crisis Care Kits in the foyer. This promotion takes 10 minutes and doesn’t require a committee!”

Darlene French, who is the NMI President at Enumclaw Nazarene Church, provides content weekly for a section in the church bulletin. She draws from the various resources that the denomination provides. The regular engagement with missions has led to a missions-minded congregation.